Friday, November 12, 2010

Ran from the pursuit of hot clouds

Hot cloud resulting from the eruption of Mount Merapi in central Java, Indonesian threaten so many lives.In that moment of self-defense effort is needed.We will discuss the efforts that we are able lakukn when heat clouds that threaten our souls.Running is the answer, with a run to save ourselves.That's the safest self-defense, given the temperature of the hot cloud itself, which reached 600 degrees Celsius.It is very difficult chance to survive if we reach the hot cloud.Not always the threat should be our foe, in order to defend ourselves so that we survived berlaripun it is important.Things we need to consider when deciding to run from hot clouds:1. we better have mastered the terrain where we would run, that is already memorized the area2. we do not run close to the possibility of a stalemate.3. as much as possible we are looking for straight tracks.4. do not panic when running because of the risk of falling, because the speed of the hot cloud able to reach 300KM/hours.

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