Tuesday, November 2, 2010

self defense definition

Self-defense is a human trait and quite often we do need to explain our position, that is why we take certain actions and not the other measures. But not every human action is action that can be justified or acceptable.
In terms of self development, self-defense is actually inhibit the development of self, that is if we cover up our mistakes or if our motives are not willing to blame. Self-defense when it's done continuously shows the part of us that are having problems. One of them we do not want to be bad, because we do not feel secure with ourselves. We deliberately close themselves, protect themselves from the input of others, narrow-minded thus can not develop themselves optimally.
Instead there are people who never defend themselves. He seemed always humble and apologize, often also for the mistakes made by others. Such a person would lose self-esteem.
When we are compelled to defend themselves it is necessary to consider several things. We need to be sensitive and willing to see the weakness of ourselves. If we're wrong, we learn to admit his mistake. If we are correct, but the blame, we also do not need to impose a variety of ways people blame us.
The defense originally appeared in the form of thoughts that defend or accuse each other within us. The thoughts that inhibit the growth of self to have the characteristics to continue to maintain the old pattern, not open to criticism and input and put the responsibility and blame on something outside himself.
A healthier mind was the thought that more problems and responsibilities laid upon us, more open to positive criticism and have a willingness to improve themselves.
Often times we automatically defend ourselves even though we know we make mistakes. To change that pattern, we first need to realize what we are doing and why we do it.Secondly, we always remind ourselves and take the commitment to develop themselves, no matter how it hurts.Third, we need to replace the thoughts with a mind less courageous responsible for a better, more open to self-improvement. It needs to be done constantly, especially when the thoughts less develop themselves appear in us.

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