Thursday, January 6, 2011

Life Full of Struggle

Life is miserable
The expression of Budha Gautama
Life is Beautiful in fact, if we are able to color it with a beauty that we can make happen as long as we want to try ..
So I do not agree with the expression of the Buddha Gautama.
But somehow my dad always taught me if it's right to Buddha says

I never gave up on trying, I'm always looking for partners to expand my business.
All that I do to prove to my father that life is beautiful ....
Not only that, I do have future goals are very high and I think also sublime.
I was willing to do whatever it takes to make it happen.
I can share the experience for it as follows:

  1. Do not ever feel ashamed of what we do.
  2. Do not give up easily.
  3. Continue to think ahead, get used to imagine.
  4. Learning to therapeutic communication.
  5. Get used ethically good to everyone.
  6. Tactics and strategy are important.
  7. Looking for relations in all fields.
  8. Do not waste the trust of others.
  9. Learn the development of technology, not to miss news from the world of business. 
That's all I can tell this opportunity, Keep track of the story of my life, and use that you think is useful and ignore if you think misleading ...
But I mentioned that this is my life experience that builds me up like this ....

you can also see --->amazing of life

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