Monday, January 10, 2011

Succumb to self-defense

    At some point we need to succumb in the attempt to defend himself, is hard for people like me to actually succumb. But how else was I faced was a ruler of the area where I do my work.
That is where I need the attitude succumb in living it.
In my opinion still better than succumbing to defeat, behind it say want to go deeper in this business, I can get a lot of new experiences

  1. Mental experience.
  2. Communication experience.
  3. Experience in a state of distress. 

     In business especially it's all we need to apply, memeng my future goals is to become a successful businessman. I am always looking for new experiences, all the professions I learned and I try. Indeed it is life, full of challenges and trials. I always try to strong in the face of all that. What I want to convey to all who are interested in living life to compete in a healthy Please do not be discouraged keep trying and trying until we find success. Back again in self defense we need to consider several aspects 
  1. Who are our opponents 
  2. How did he influence 
  3. Anyone associated with that problem 
  4. What can he rely on to impose our 
  5. If we can know what our opponent's weaknesses 
  6. What can we use to fight him 
  7. We also need to know who is on our side  
  8. Remain cautious in the process of self-defense 

And remember we are defending ourselves does not mean we were always in the wrong position
We defend ourselves for smooth and safety of life, That's it.

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